Interview question for Architect

  1. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
  2. SOLID Design Principles
  3. Microservice
  4. Oauth2
  5. Do we need to pass Oauth2 for each services?
  6. Where do you check the roles in the code (db or code level)?
  7. How one service communication with other microservice?
  8. How the Hystrix working in Microservice?
  9. How to monitor the microservice?
  10. What is event driven? How will you achieve?
  11. What is Kafka? How they are using?
  12. CORS? How it is working internal?
  13. SpringBoot?
  14. Stream type Java 8 - Serial and Parallel?
  15. CICD?
  16. How to implement unit testing, Regression testing Pipeline in Jenkins?


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