
WorkFusion Overview

Bot Classification
Our bots address a wide range of automation challenges. To characterize them, WorkFusion developed a taxonomy that describes the complexity and stability of automatons.

WorkFusion Automation Complexity Levels
Complexity Level, Description
1 API Automation (APIs, File Exchange, Database, ETL)
2 Web Scraping and Crawling (static web applications/sites
3 Web Automation (dynamic web applications/sites)
4 Desktop Automation (legacy applications like mainframe, applets, Windows-native applications)
5 Surface Automation (screen-only tools, image recognition)
6 Cognitive Automation (unstructured data)
7 Conversational Automation

Bot Development Approach
You will find a variety of pre-developed bot tasks available, right out of the box. These tasks are configurable to suit individual use cases. To enhance a bot task or create a new one, both the Web-Harvest library and the Groovy scripting language are available. WorkFusion has pre-defined Web-Harvest XML tags to make your work easier. We will review these during the course.

Module 1 - Bot Task Anatomy

In this module, you will learn about Bot Tasks, including
◦What role bot tasks play in the WorkFusion Platform, and
◦How to add them to business processes you are automating

As a WorkFusion developer, you can use the Web-Harvest components included in our framework. In addition, when developing Bot Tasks, you can also use an additional set of components, developed in Java by our WorkFusion product team.
We organize Web-Harvest components into the following groups, based on goals.
Code Structure

mail mail-attach http-extended mail-check send-message

file zip ftp s3 unzip

datastore, securestore

html-to-xml regexp xpath xslt xml-to-json json convert-xxx excel-to-list/list-to-excel list-to-csv excel-to-csv to-text similarity-score split date-format log


Data Flow
export pool cache release var-global

url-validator validate language-extractor who-is google-places-scanner alexa

Web lessons:
1.Bot Task Basics
2.Creating a Bot Use Case
3.Adding a Bot Task to BP
4.Bot Campaign Sources
5.Converting Machine Configs to Forms - ETL

Module 2 - Bot Task IDE: WorkFusion Studio
setup and use the Eclipse-based IDE for developing and testing Bot Tasks.

To provision the IDE, download the samples archive. Then, unpack the download and add it to a new WorkFusion project in your IDE.

Module 3 - Bot Task Context

In Module 3, you will learn about injecting objects into the Bot Task context during run-time. Context variables contain useful information for bot tasks, including
◦Current and previous Business Process runs
◦Task Input Data
◦Information about individuals who executed manual tasks
◦Many other useful context elements

Find the Module 3 Web lesson here: Bot Task Context
Bot Context - sys, practical casePage
Bot Context - http, practical casePage
Bot Context - WorkFusion variables, practical casePage

Module 4 - Code Structure Bot Components
In Module 4 you will investigate a variety of Web-Harvest components used in Bot Task development.

Here are your Module 4 web lessons:

Web-Harvest Components: config | text | var-def | var | file | html-to-xmlPage
Web-Harvest Components: script | template | case/if | loop | whilePage
Web-Harvest Components: function/return/call | try/catchPage

Module 5 - HTTP/Mail Bot Components
learn about HTTP and email-related Web-Harvest tags. With the HTTP tags, you can send HTTP requests and retrieve web pages, or call external REST or SOAP APIs. This is a simple way to implement external integrations. With email tags, you can send custom free-form emails with attachments from any point of your Business Process.
Here are your Module 5 Web Lessons:
Assignment 1: Translate using REST API
1. You will have simple BP with 2 Machine Tasks: first will detect language; second will translate from detected into English

Module 6 - File Bot Components
In Module 6, you will learn how to use WorkFusion to create and manage files. A key learning objective is that files should reside in AWS S3 or S3 Emulator storage, rather than as database Blobs. Only use your server file-system as file storage if there is no other alternative. If you do store files on your server file system, delete all of them as soon as you are through using them.
1.Setup S3 Client

Module 7 - Database/Storage Bot Components
In Module 7, you will learn how Bot Tasks store data in predefined or external databases. The module highlights CRUD and database transactions. WorkFusion makes database configuration easy in both web and IDE versions.

You will learn multiple methods of data preparation that save time by eliminating data mappings.  In addition, you will learn about Secure Storage, a special, separate storage for sensitive data. Finally, you will learn best practices for handling account credentials in Bot Tasks.

Practice S3 + list-to-csv plugin + DataStores
Assignment 2: Practice S3 + list-to-csv plugin + DataStores
1. You will have simple BP with single Machine Task
2. Read from existing DataStore (up to you to select DataStore)
3. Convert all data to .csv file
4. Save .csv on S3

Module 8 - Data Conversion Bot Components
In Module 8, you will learn about our collection of  data transformation and conversion components. WorkFusion makes easy work with XLSX | CSV | JSON | XML | HTML and various formatted strings such as date, URL, address, price, number, percent etc.


Web-Harvest Components: regexp | xpath | xsltPage
WebScraping + SendMail

Select one website.
Each company website has number of locations (stores/shops). Usually there is ‘Find Locations’ or ‘Find Us’ link in websites header/menu. Task is by clicking website parse 50 locations from it.
Result should be in BP’s result data as Location Name | City | State | Address | Phone | Link to location details page (if available)
Test BP – after that add Machine Step to email link to current BP run into

Module 9 - Robotic Process Automation Bot Components
In Module 9, you will learn about WorkFusion’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA) capabilities. We implemented RPA using the Selenium framework. Selenium components contain script code using the Selenium API, and provide the capability to use software to click through desktop or web applications.
Note that the RPA API is covered in a separate course - Certified RPA Developer level 2: Object RPA

RPA components
Module 10 - Data Flow Bot Components
In Module 10, you will learn about the WorkFusion components that manage data flow within an automated Business Process.

Web lessons:

Module 11 - Miscellaneous Bot Components
In Module 11, you will learn about additional components that help developers building Bot Tasks.
Web lessons:

Module 12 - Groovy Scripting in Bot Tasks
In Module 12, you will learn basics of the Groovy scripting language. The introductory video lessons and sample coding exercises will help you learn how to interchange data:
◦Between Web-Harvest and Groovy

◦Between multiple Groovy <script> blocks
Web lesson: Groovy in Bot Tasks

Assignment 4: Practice JSON Manipulations
Create simple BP with single Machine Task.
Load JSON from external file & perform the calculation on json elements.

Module 13 - Advanced Bot Task Examples
In this Module review number of Use Cases implemented using Bot Task. This will give you some coding ideas and best practices.

Web lessons:
1.Bot Task Examples
2.Apace POI - Working with MS Office Files
3.Calling VDS Services from Bot Tasks
4.Manipulating Data Stores
5.S3 Advanced Usage
6.Take browser screenshot
7.Working with BP Records - Split, Merge, Route
8.Working with Emails
9.Loading external JARs
10.File conversion - TIFF, PDF, XML, HTML
11.Connecting to Windows Shared Folder
12.HTML to XML Transformation and XPath Selectors
13.Executing a Bash script from Bot Config
15.Restart Business Process from itself

Assignment 5: Use Groovy for parsing XML responses
1.On input you have file with 30 companies
2.Study Google Places API -
3.Register and obtain your googleapikey
4.Use Google Places API to get: Company Name, Phone, Address. Also have API verification link in result data.
5.When calling Google API expect XML as response type. Parse responses with Groovy.
6.Submit link to working Business Process on training WorkFusion instance

Module 14 - Publishing via Repository

In Module 14, you are ready to deploy projects from your IDE to a WorkFusion instance.  You will learn how to deploy all Bot Tasks, Java and Groovy classes using a single build command via Nexus Repository.
Web lesson: Configure and start using Repository feature


  1. Thanks for sharing the useful information on Robotic Process Automtion. Keep sharing. More about RPA tools Reach us on 7411419761

    1. Hi Prakash,

      Just the information I was looking for. Thanks for the detailed instructions. I haven’t used it yet but I guess the time has come.
      We are using Blue Prism V5. I don’t see the XML VBO in the VBO folders.
      Blue prism - XML VBO?
      We need to parse an XML file and retrieve all attributes and values. Can someone please help with this?
      Probably we might need to code in VB. Not sure.
      By the way do you have any YouTube videos, would love to watch it. I would like to connect you on LinkedIn, great to have experts like you in my connection (In case, if you don’t have any issues).
      Please keep providing such valuable information.


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  3. Hiya,

    Gratitude for putting up this prolific article! You truly make everything a cake walk. Genuinely good stuff, saving time and energy.
    There are different automation tool available for different categories.
    They can best fitted for different purpose of testing.

    The most common and trendy testing tool will definitely be Selenium
    ( Web Testing Tool), it does require some fundamental knowledge in programming (Java or Python or others)
    Selenium is widely used in the industry, so it will be much value added if you do posses some knowledge in selenium.
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    Thanks and Regards

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