Java/Spring/Hibernate/DB interview questions

Core Java - Basics
ü  What is the generic data type used for password
ü  Why do we use getter and setter methods in a class?
ü  What is heap memory and what is stack memory
ü  Difference b/w JVM and JRE?
ü  How hashcode is calculated?
ü  Write immutable class
ü  If immutable class has Date as field, can't it be changed?
ü  Why password should be used as char array, what is the demerit of using as String?
ü  What is intern method in String?
ü  Advantages of immutable class
ü  String class uses being immutable
ü  Advantages of Object class making abstract.
ü  How will you implement in your application to send notification of email to team member if some exception raised.
ü  What are the different ways and strategies used in your application to handle exception?
ü  How you are handling custom exception.
ü  Explain OOPs and how you used in your real time application.
ü  Batch Processing in Java
ü  Explain polymorphism and give me a real time scenario where you used overloading and overriding in your application.
ü  Two different name but same class type declaration what happen?
ü  Advantages of Object class making abstract.
ü  What are the steps we need to do when we use User defined keys in Map? If not Override what happen.
ü  When you will go for abstract and explain the real time scenario you used in your application so far.
ü  Try – catch - Finally with return
ü  If we have return statements in both catch and finally what will be output.
ü  When we use Runtime Exception and compile time Exception.
ü  When we use finally block.
ü  When we use catch and throws with scenario.
ü  Define Oops
ü  What is serialization and what is the use for this.
ü  Define final, finally, finalize.
ü  Explain Exception Handling. Types
ü  Difference between Abstract and Interface class and when go for interface and abstract class.
ü  Difference between interface and abstract class in java
ü  Can we use non-static member in interface.
ü  Is filenotfoundexception is a checked o unchecked exception.
ü  What’s the difference between error and exception in java?
ü  Tell me what are the runtime exception present in java?
ü  Which design pattern string pool uses

Input and Output
ü  What is serializable and their methods?
ü  If we have parent class as non-serlizable and child class as serializable how can we achieve this?
ü  Using write off /read off method
ü  Marshalling and Un-Marshalling.

ü  Design the following scenario without using the Blocking Queue classes Folder path has 1000 files. 5 thread has to process the files with only 5 files at a time.
ü  How the following scenario have be designed 1 daemon and 2 user thread. Daemon thread has to start execution after the 2 user thread completes. Or Application server has to start after the 2 application finished loaded.
ü  Concurrent Map vs. Hash Map vs. Synchronized Map
ü  Suppose we have a collection where key is a user defined object. Will we get the values stored against them in return?
ü  Infinite loop in Hash Map
ü  What is load factor in collections?
ü  We have a Hash Map with employee data. EmpId is the key and Emp Name is the value. How can we sort the Hashmap based on key values if two or more employees have same name
ü  If I want to remove one object in array list how?
ü  How hashmap internally works and what is the enhancement in Java8 for hashmap
ü  How memory allocated for linked list and arraylist
ü  How to make arraylist synchronized
ü  Arraylist class in concurrent java package
ü  Hash map internal implementation
ü  Tree Map?
ü  Difference between Array list and Linked list?
ü  If I want to remove one object in list which one is better Array list or linked list?
ü  We have key as manager and value as list how can we generate custom hashcode for each key value pair?
ü  When we use Comparable and comparator with scenario.
ü  Define hashcode() and equal() methods hashmap
ü  Difference between Arraylist and Linkedlist, Set and List
ü  Suppose in Hashmap if we put duplicate key then what will happen...Is it showing any compilation or runtime exception.
ü  FailFast and FailSafe? While iterating a HashMap, how one thread will come to know if some other thread is modifying the same HashMap?
ü  Difference between set & HashSet
ü  Difference between ArrayList & HashMap
ü  Tree Set & Hashset Map difference
ü  If answering sorting due to extending sortedset class... how it internally this API works??
ü  Can we insert null key in hashmap, concurrent hashmap

ü  What is concurrent HashMap?
ü  Internal working of concurrent Hash Map
ü  Performance issues of concurrent Hash Map
ü  Comparator and comparable interface?
ü  Why concurrent hash map replace hashtable?

Inter-thread communication
ü  Difference between Synchronized block and Synchronized method?
ü  What difference is between notify and notify All().
ü  What are the diff. state of thread?
ü  If we won’t call start() method in thread and call run() method .then what will happen?
ü  Why used yield and join () method in java

ü  What is cyclic barrier, countdownlatch?
ü  What is connection pool? How can we get a connection pool of 6 threads?
ü  Consider a scenario in which 1-10 numbers should be printed sequentially and we have only 3 threads. Thread t1 should print 1, t2 should print 2, t3 should print 3, and t4 should print 4, so on
ü  How can we use singleton class in multithreading
ü  How to create thread pool.
ü  Calculation for finding thread pool count.
ü  Tell me a scenario where you are using multithreading in your last project.
ü  How to write the code for the following scenario. Suppose in a thread we have to print 1, 2,3,4,5 .so how to print the these value one by one using multi-threading in java
ü  Odd & even printing of the numbers, in multithreaded
ü  Thread. Sleep somethere if answered , then  if printing numbers based on single input in multi-threaded environment, lock on input resource is there then how would you make other thread to read them.
ü  What happens during Thread.sleep
ü  Performance tuning implementation in your application using threads
ü  Difference with object lock using thread.sleep and object.wait method
ü  How thread pool is created and what are different type of thread pool are there.

Design Pattern
ü  Singleton
ü  If we do lazy initialize of object in method of single ton, will it be thread safe? How to implement thread safety?
ü  Can we make singleton class thread-safe or not?  If yes how
ü  Design patterns in Java?
ü  9)  In singleton if I don't remove setters still will I can achieve??  Private constructor, synchronized get instance...
ü  Design pattern singleton, factory and abstract factory and Structural Patterns.
ü  Factory pattern explain?

Spring Batch:
ü  What is spring batch?
ü  Spring Batch – real time scenario of reading single Large File reading and processing and writing back to File using Threading approach. Expected spring batch partitioning.
ü  We have 50K records which need to be processed which will take more time, instead I want to run in in parallel in batch of 10K each using springs? How to achieve this?
o   Spring batch how we create partition and how it is handled.        

ü  Inheritance mapping in spring?
ü  Bean Scopes in spring?
ü  How will you inject prototype bean into a singleton one?
ü  We have different bean id as same class in spring, but not mentioned any scope (default as taken as singleton) it would be return same object or different object?
ü  Spring scope? Explain it?
ü  Base class for transaction management in spring
ü  Bean factories in spring
ü  How to create custom bean factory in spring
ü  How to invoke a bean in Spring
ü  Why do we go for spring?
ü  Explain about DI and IOC? Is there any specific difference between them?
ü  Can we use spring without MVC if so how.
ü  Scope of beans in spring
ü  What is singleton and its example?
ü  What is AOC and how to achieve?
ü  What’s spring? What’s is loose coupling
ü  What’s difference between ioc and dependency injections?
ü  What’s difference between bean factory and application context
ü  How to map(handle) client side request in spring.
ü  Difference between constructor based and setter /getter injection
ü  What are the scope present in spring?
ü  How to inject prototype bean in spring
ü  What’s the life cycle of spring beans?
ü  In spring where the objects is located?
ü  Singleton class vs Singleton bean.
ü  What will be the sequence of loading in Spring, if we have a class injected inside another class?
ü  How a class is instantiated in spring. Which technique it uses (reflection)
ü  Spring default scope? Other scopes in spring??
ü  <bean id="1" class="">
ü  <bean id="2" class=""> is it still singleton working here???
ü  Not alias means...? How will you implement customized singleton in spring?
ü  How to implement above singleton in spring config.xml
ü  Lifecycle management of spring
ü  What parent keyword does in spring?
ü  Which is better constructor or setter for bean creation.
ü  How we can load multiple context file in spring.

Spring Integration (data, mvc, webservice)
ü  How to integrate Struts, Hibernate and Spring

Previous Project Questions
ü  Tell about the current project and the technologies used in the project.
ü  Brief introduction about yourself, technology worked so far, previous project and roles and responsibility of your previous project

ü  How to solve following scenario
ü  The End node of linked list is pointed to any of middle node, it will lead to infinite times while iteration
ü  How to get the exact middle element from linked list in faster way
ü  Which is best Sorting Algorithm and why
ü  Given a linked List of no fixed size (end element is not known), find the middle element in one iteration?
ü  What is Stack Working?
ü  How will u find the max element in Stack? Scenario?

ü  How will you maintain different DB connectivity in your application on need basics?
ü  Group by and having query uses and how it works
ü  Table with 3 columns having values, write a single query to return different values for specific expression- expecting decode not case condition.
ü  Give any 5 performance measured you follow in DB. Also give the same for Java.
ü  What is union & union all in SQL?
ü  14) Say the output for the following queries if employee table has employee id with 1, 2, 3, 4 5
Select e.eid, e, ename from EMPLOYEE e where e.eid=1
Select e.eid, e, ename from EMPLOYEE e where e.eid=2

ü  15) Say the output for the following queries if employee table has employee id with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Select e.eid, e, ename from EMPLOYEE e where e.eid=1
Select e.eid, e, ename from EMPLOYEE e where e.eid=1

ü  How you are setting values in sp’s for the select statement.
ü  How you are handling exception in sp’s.
ü  Explain Outer Joins (Left, Right and Full ).
ü  Why we use Sequence.
ü  How to fetch data from one schema to others.
ü  Difference between truncate and delete?
ü  If I delete the records what will happen inside the database? Where it will store the deleted records in database?
ü  How to get 2nd highest salary in oracle 
ü  Table T1 is having only one column like col1. The values like below.
ü  Display the highest value without using any inbuilt function?

ü  Table T1 having data like
EmpID DeptID Salary
1          10        10000
2          10        20000
3          20        30000
4          20        40000

ü  Display the output like EmpID, DeptID is same but Salary column display the that department Highest Salary.
ü  What is a pragma autonomous transaction? Where we can use the pragma autonomous transaction? Use of pragma autonomous transaction? Give the one real time example?
ü  What are the mandatory fields in anonymous block?
ü  One query taking time for execution. How you can improve the performance of that query? Which steps you can follow for better performance?
ü  What is the redo log buffer?
ü  Design the data model
ü  Subject and Teachers are there.
ü  One teacher can teach multiple subjects.
ü  One subject can taught by multiple teachers.
ü  In this scenario how many tables is required? And which columns are the primary keys and foreign keys having? Explain the all tables?

ü  What SDLC process have you used previously and explain.
ü  How you are testing your application.
ü  Is there any specific tool used for testing.
ü  After development completed how your testing process followed.
ü  How your SIT testing done after your changes moved to SIT.
ü  Have you used Jenkins?
ü  Suppose your development completed and moves to UAT or preproduction and now your stakeholder requested for additional changes for the same feature, how you will handle this case.
ü  What is SonarQube?
ü  How jobs are created in Jenkins

ü  Struts2.0 flow.
ü  Difference between forward and redirect
ü  Difference between get and post.
Web service:
ü  Difference between SOAP and RESTFUL Web services and when will you choose it
ü  How to expose EJB as a web service
ü  Which tool used for WSDL generation and testing
ü  When to choose Hibernate and iBatis
ü  Difference between load and get in Hibernate
ü  Steps to make an entity class for a table in Hibernate
ü  Types of generator in Hibernate
ü  Persist, SaveOrUpdate and merge use in Hibernate
ü  How to use entity class in Hibernate
ü  What are various key areas worked on hibernate.
ü  What is the advantage of using JDBC template and what are the technique and methods used so far.
ü  How you mapping tables in hibernate
ü  What are the type of cache in hibernate.
ü  What is lazy loading?
ü  What is cascade in hibernate
ü  How to create class (POJO) of table in hibernate
ü  How to create primary key in hibernate using hibernate
ü  One to many mapping in hibernate using annotation
ü  What is Criteria interface in hibernate
ü  Difference between get and load, Merge, update and save
ü  Load and get.
ü  What are the types of inheritance models in Hibernate and how they work?

ü  How to invoke server side code in JQuery
ü  Scope of variables in JQuery
ü  If I want to refresh a particular part of a page rather than entire page then how request will be handled in JQuery

Scenario based question:
ü  There are 100 doors. While going ahead all the doors should be opened and while coming back all the doors should be closed. And also I can reach 25th, 26th door without opening 24th door. How to implement in java
ü  If my class having 5 attributes upon wic 1 unique & 4 normal on what basis will you design hashcode override method?? If unique attribute please justify your explanation??
ü  If singleton object is serialized!! First is it possible??
ü  Next - if deserializing will I get same object??? Next if my application running in JVM and am deserailzing won't it override my singleton object?? Explanations at each of above point.

ü  There are 3 thread and all thread print number one after another. How this can be achieved.


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