Web Socket

Web Socket  

WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. 

Your computer   ---> Youtube
Client                           Server 

1.      point to point : Internet connect two point that is server and client is called as Point to Point connection. One process from this computer can talk to the other process from other computer. It is point to point connection.
2.      Full Duplex -> Two way communication.  Data flow can both direction.

3.      Reliable -> Unless you cut the cable or unplug the cable the data will transfer between both end.
Socket is just an end to one of these connections.

How many socket do we need to communication between the client and server?
Two sockets are required. Client required one socket and server required one socket.

So every internet connection, we need two sockets.

Client Socket :   IP address : <Random Port>

Server Socket :   server IP address : <Port>
    Youtube: 80

You visit website, it’s all based on fundamental concept of internet connection and sockets. Http request and response are built on sockets connections. Socket are just the fundamental way that programmers can interface with the internet.




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