
Showing posts from September, 2017

Java 9

Java 9 Jigsaw -> Modularity   rt.jar contains 5000 plus classes & size is 65MB. Are we using all these classes? Answer is no JDK create approximetely 98 modules. Whichever set required. You can use them. If you want a specific module for use system takes the dependencies automatically. Module dependency hierachy jdk-9 (instead jdk1.9) jmods folder available in the jdk-9 (98 modules) whichever modules required we can use as per our need. java.base.jmod java.desktop.jmod java.rmi.jmod java.sql.jmod java.sql.rowset.jmod java java.logging.jmod sql |---> logging |---> xml   |----->base corba |---> rmi --> logging -> base |--->desktop  |--> xml---> base               |---> charsets-->base Currently we bundle the packages which consist of clasess and interface in jar and we use it. package a.b package a.b.c Both packages are have no relationship. but we bundle it in the single jar. Pac

Robert Kiyosaki's 10 Rules for Success

Robert Kiyosaki's 10 Rules for Success 1. Experience Makes you Smarter 2. The More you give The more you receive 3. Change the way you think 4. Focus - Follow one course until sucess 5. Hard times bring new opportunities 6. Design the Business properly 7. Know what you are working hard for - Earned income, Portfolio income, Passive Income. 8. Don't be afraid of Losses. 9. Aim to acquire assets 10 Stop Saving Money. Hedge it.

Spring JPA Data + Hibernate + MySQL + MAVEN

Development of web-applications with the help of Spring MVC implies creation of several logical layers of architecture. One of the layers is a DAO (Repository) layer. It is responsible for communication with a database. If you developed the DAO layer at least once, you should know that it involves a lot of boilerplate code. A Spring Data take a part of the routine job related to the DAO on itself.   Preparation In the article we concentrate on the Spring Data, so all stuff which is out topic It will omit. But in the start provide a bulk of links which can be helpful for you in context of this tutorial. Creation of dynamic web project in Eclipse with Maven. Simple Spring MVC application with the java based configuration. Spring MVC + Hibernate sample application. These links should give answers on 90% of questions which can occur during reading the post. Let’s start with table creation in the MySQL:               CREATE TABLE `shops` (    `id` int (6)

Spring Data

Spring Data Dependency: Spring Data JPA, Web, Derby (Embedded)   Entity Class (topic)       Define the Repository     Define the Service (TopicService)             Update & Delete Request       Relationship between Topic vs Course class (One to Many) or Course vs Topic (Many to One) CourseService           Declare the custom method to get the topic object based on the topic Id findByProperty<KeyID> public List<Topic> findByTopicId(String topicId);     CourseController   Course Pojo relationship with Topic (ManytoOne)       Add a topic & course     Updated the course        


WorkFusion Overview Bot Classification Our bots address a wide range of automation challenges. To characterize them, WorkFusion developed a taxonomy that describes the complexity and stability of automatons. WorkFusion Automation Complexity Levels Complexity Level, Description 1 API Automation (APIs, File Exchange, Database, ETL) 2 Web Scraping and Crawling (static web applications/sites ) 3 Web Automation (dynamic web applications/sites) 4 Desktop Automation (legacy applications like mainframe, applets, Windows-native applications) 5 Surface Automation (screen-only tools, image recognition) 6 Cognitive Automation (unstructured data) 7 Conversational Automation Bot Development Approach You will find a variety of pre-developed bot tasks available, right out of the box. These tasks are configurable to suit individual use cases. To enhance a bot task or create a new one, both the Web-Harvest library and the Groovy scripting language are available. WorkFusion has pre-defined Web-Ha

Web Socket

Web Socket    WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection .   Your computer    ---> Youtube Client                           Server   1.       point to point : Internet connect two point that is server and client is called as Point to Point connection. One process from this computer can talk to the other process from other computer. It is point to point connection. 2.       Full Duplex -> Two way communication.   Data flow can both direction. 3.       Reliable -> Unless you cut the cable or unplug the cable the data will transfer between both end.   Socket is just an end to one of these connections. How many socket do we need to communication between the client and server? Two sockets are required. Client required one socket and server required one socket. So every internet connection, we need two sockets. Client Socket :    IP address : <Random

Web Portal Vs Web Site

Web Portal   Web Portal is an entry into your business through internet. Portal will be the department store to consolidate all shops together.   Amazon is web portal. All sellers can post their products in the website and buyers can login and purchased those product depends on their needs.   Web portal is a customized website that aggregate information form a wide array of sources in a consistent and uniformed manner.   Portal vs Website Portal is website which presents different kinds of information to user by aggregating different content from different source. A portal is always website but website is not always portal.   A website can be a simple static web pages or dynamic which is presenting simple and only one information.   Another definition for portal is gate way or entrance for some organization or company through web.   Different kinds of portals 1.       Personal Portals 2.       Government Portals 3.       Corporate Portals