Java Recent Interview questions

Core Java
when you use the wait() method?
Difference between wait and sleep method?
What is hashcode() method in object ? why we are using ?
What is Hash Collision?
Why we override the hashcode() method when we override the equals()?
Why we go for concurrent collection?, what are they?
What are the concurrent collection used in your project?
What is concurrentHashMap? How it is different from Collection.SynchronizedHashMap()?
HashMap vs ConCurrentHashMap?
What is atomic operation?
Difference between synchronized vs lock?
What is Thread life cycle?
What are feature are available in Jdk 7/8
How to find the memory leak in java?
What is annotation?
How to create a custom annotation?
What is the use of Future ?
What is the callable method in Thread?
Develop a program for ConnectionPool ?
What are the way to sort the element in Java? Comparable, Comparator

Design Pattern
What are the Design Pattern used?
Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Façade, Prototype

What are the Spring components do you worked?
What is Dependency Injection?
Explain the below Annotation
What is AOP ? Why we using
What is Advice? What are the types?
Tell about Spring Life Cycle
What is the flow of Spring MVC frame
What is use of contextloadlistener?
How the spring mvc form data pass to the controller?
What is the use of @RestController?
What is the @RequestBody?
What are the HTTP methods?
What are the error status in Rest?
Have you worked on the Spring Boot?

What is JPA?
difference between JPA and hibernate?
What is session and Session factory?
Have you used cache?
Tell about 1st level and 2nd level cache?
How to configure the 2nd level cache?
What is use of @Entity annnotation?
Explain the relation of tables in JPA?
What is N+1 problem? (one to many relationship) who to solve this problem ?
What is the difference between load vs get method

Do you know about spring Security?
What is the login security you are using?
How the Single Sign on works?
What is the challenges are you faced?
What is the performance improvement have you done so far?
What is AngularJS?
What is Single Page application?
How to call the backend service from angular JS?
What is the two way binding?
What is meant for diretive, controller, modules?
Have you knowledge on DevOPS?



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