Java Recent Interview questions
Core Java when you use the wait() method? Difference between wait and sleep method? What is hashcode() method in object ? why we are using ? What is Hash Collision? Why we override the hashcode() method when we override the equals()? Why we go for concurrent collection?, what are they? What are the concurrent collection used in your project? What is concurrentHashMap? How it is different from Collection.SynchronizedHashMap()? HashMap vs ConCurrentHashMap? What is atomic operation? Difference between synchronized vs lock? What is Thread life cycle? What are feature are available in Jdk 7/8 How to find the memory leak in java? What is annotation? How to create a custom annotation? What is the use of Future ? What is the callable method in Thread? Develop a program for ConnectionPool ? What are the way to sort the element in Java? Comparable, Comparator Design Pattern What are the Design Pattern used? Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Façade, Protot...