
Showing posts from November, 2018


Bids/Proposal/Contracts/Tender RFP (Request for Proposal) Includes each and every detail,  - Identifying Problems - Focus on issues, - Solution, Technical and commercial details - Financial details, cost and budget with Schedule - Specification of work - Qualification of vendors  understand overall idea of what you want from suppliers. Who you are, What you do, What you stand for Scope of the work: Write out what you want, detailed list, expected outcomes Outcome & performance standards - Basic Minimums, what should be accomplished, How you monitor suppliers Deliverables: What all do you Expect to receive. An inventory list. Terms & Conditions : Legal stuff Payments Incentives and Penalties : How we will pay them, what happens If things go wrong. Contractual Terms and Conditions  Requirement for Proposal preparation: What do you want them to give you Evaluation & Award process: How will win the bid. Process Schedule: Give Exact

Interview Q&A

Spring Boot: Reference Material: Sample Example import  org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;   import  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;      @SpringBootApplication    public   class  SpringBootExample3Application {           public   static   void  main(String[] args) {  (SpringBootExample3Application. class , args);       }   }   Java 8 Features: